The next session will commence on: 01st (MWF) and 02nd (TTS) June 2012.
Admissions will be conducted only on following Date and Time
Course | Date and Time | Fee Structure |
Spoken English - Senior to Adv., , Adv. – Adv. | Monday, 21 May 2012 at 7.00 a.m. | Senior to Advanced Rs. 750-00 Advanced to Adv. Rs. 750-00 |
Spoken English - Basic to Junior | Monday, 21 May 2012 at 8.30 a.m. | Basic to Junior Rs. 600-00 |
Spoken English - Junior to Senior & Sr. – Sr. | Monday, 21 May 2012 at 1.30 p.m. | Junior to Senior Rs. 650-00 Senior to Senior Rs. 650-00 |
Continuing students of French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Sanskrit and Hindi will take admission on Monday, 21 May, 2012 at 4.00 pm.
1. Students must bring their identity cards on the day of admission along with the fee prescribed.
2. Application forms will be available for Rs.5/- on Admission day (Monday, 21 May 2012).
3. Late applications will not be accepted as we will be busy with Spoken English New Admissions.
All students must note that admission will be granted in the following order of priority:
v First priority will be given to continuing students i.e. who pass the current session January - March 2012 and wish to continue in June 2012 session.
v Second priority is given to those students who passed the Sept. - December 2011 session but availed a break of one session.
v Third priority is given to current session students who are detained (Senior and Advanced levels only). Admission will depend on the availability of seats.
v NB: Students who have been detained (Senior and Advanced levels only) are not allowed any session break.
v NB: Students who have been detained (Basic and Junior levels) are not allowed to continue the course.
Students who have discontinued more than one session will not be permitted to continue the course.